Recycled beauty

With all of us recently taking a break from pestering Planet Earth with our daily commitment to consumerism, it’s made LK stand back and think about how we can permanently enjoy the stuff we love without causing earth-shattering damage.

Don’t get us wrong, we love shopping just as much as you, but there are some tiny beauty steps that can make a BIG difference and a department store green beauty initiative we hope you’re inspired to get involved in.

Do it yourself
Starting today, you can make a difference. Lots of beauty and body care products now offer refills, if they do, buy them! Similarly, start reading labels and look for lotions and potions that arrive in mostly recyclable packaging.

It’s also time to start opting for products created from natural ingredients and sustainable, renewable resources.

This clean beauty article from Harper’s Bazaar makes for great ‘starting point’ reading material if you’re just beginning your green beauty journey.

Breathe new life into your beauty products
We are really impressed by the BeautyCycle from John Lewis, which is a recycling scheme for those who love their products but want to do their very best for Planet Earth too.

The company is always looking for ways to reduce its impact on the environment and with the beauty industry producing around 120 billion units of packaging every year, it decided to make stand against the caps, labels and pumps that are rejected by local recycling programmes but are clogging our oceans and endangering precious wildlife. 

In partnership with the TerraCycle, who are able to recycle all the products, John Lewis asks members to hand over their empty bottles, jars and tubes. For every five empties you give to them, you receive a £5 voucher to spend on your next beautifying purchase. Not bad, eh?

“Each component will then be recycled, composted, or – in the case of plastics – made into pellets that can be moulded into new products like storage containers, plastic lumber and outdoor furniture,” says John Lewis.

To date, 75,000 products have avoided languishing in landfill! Go John Lewis!

Become a member for free here

Visit this link for how/where to drop off your empties. 

Spread the word (and love)

Share your green beauty journey on your socials – a great way to encourage friends and family to follow suit. 

When it comes to their birthdays, do your research and ensure the brand you buy into wants, just like you, to make the change. And when your loved one receive the gift; another eco-recruit is notched up!

The Ethical Consumer is a great place to boost your knowledge and read up on earth-friendly brands.